We hear this term a lot these days. On the surface it sounds like it must be a good thing. After all, when we pledge allegiance to our nation's flag, we end with, "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"Justice" implies fair, equal treatment under law. God is perfectly just. Because He is omniscient, all-knowing, He can make perfect judgments. He is Lawgiver and Judge.
We imperfect humans often make imperfect judgments, even when we are trying our best to follow the perfect law that God has given us.
But when humans pervert true justice and bend it to further their greed for money and power, they make a mockery of God's justice.
So it is with "social" justice. Although we may think that term has to do with helping folks down on their luck, those currently in power see the term far differently. They use it as an excuse to take from those who produce and give to those who will not help themselves--i.e., redistribution of wealth, otherwise known as Marxism or communism.
Stealing from those who work hard to take care of their own families and giving that money to ungrateful recipients helps no one. Workers should be encouraged to do their best by allowing them to keep the fruits of their labors; shirkers should be treated with "tough love" so that they might grow in character and learn to earn their own way. ("If any will not work, neither let him eat." II Thessalonians 3:10)
True justice would send those who push for "social" justice to prison for thievery as well as aiding and abetting the destruction of our society's moral fiber.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago