Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A slight change in direction

When I first began this blog almost two years ago, my intention was to present America's founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution) one phrase at a time in order to remind myself (and any of you who actually read this thing) of what our nation was founded upon.

Since that time I have undergone a transformation even as many who have awakened to the real prospect of living under the tyranny of the Marxist elite. In addition to the formation of the Young Patriots Fife and Drum Corps, which continues to perform in our community and beyond as a visual and musical reminder of our Founding, I agreed to be secretary of our county Republican Party. It's a lot more fun to dress up in Revolutionary War era clothing and march with the kids and play my fife, but on a practical level I feel like I can do some small part to "get out the vote" for conservative candidates.

I have also come to terms with the fact that I can't, by myself, "save" the country. This evil is too big for me, so I have given it over to the One who is and always has been in charge. I'll continue to do my small part in the areas where God has given me talents (music, sewing, typing) and pray that each and every person will do the same.

May God continue to bless our nation, and may our nation turn back to Him before it's too late.

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