Those of us who value the Constitution must stand in opposition to the raping of our country's wealth, future, and its very soul.
"I'm too busy," many say. "I don't know what to do."
The signers of the Declaration of Independence had jobs and families, too. But they saw an urgent need in their time and so pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to do what needed to be done for the good of all Americans.
We have an urgent need in our time to make our voices heard. During the Revolutionary times Samuel Adams wrote at least one letter a day in order to make a difference. This was in the days of parchment and quill pens.
There are simple things each of us can do. When a bill is coming up for a vote (as the monstrous Cap and Trade bill will be voted on tomorrow in the House) call your Representative. Google their website with the contact info at the bottom of the page. It takes two minutes or less to tell the staffer your name, city and state and politely ask that the Representative vote against Cap and Trade (or "for" another bill). The staffers DO record the vote tally. Flood those phone lines!
You may not have time to write a daily letter, but you can write one a week. Email is not the best form of communication; the staffers are not required by law to acknowledge them, and liberal officials (especially the current President) simply delete any opposing views.
But there IS a law requiring staffers to correctly handle physical mail. Since the anthrax scare in 2001 all politician's mail is sent on a decontamination journey (first AZ for irradiation, then PA for deep freeze) and so takes about six weeks to get to Washington(!)
Postcards pose no threat and force you to be succinct in your comments, which is important since politicians have the attention span of a gnat. An added benefit is that they require less postage.
So I challenge you to purchase some pre-stamped blank postcards, get the addresses of the White House, your two U.S. Senators, your one U.S. Representative, and even your state's governor, senator and representative and start sending those messages! Hold them accountable! They DO take mail seriously, no matter what you may hear in the state-run news....
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." --Thomas Jefferson
Scandals, the Bubblegum Pink Resistance, and Lawfare
10 hours ago
If I didn't know that God is soverign and if I didn't believe the final outcome will be for His glory...I could really get depressed.