I have NEVER been so proud to be an American as I was on Saturday, September 12, 2009. An unbelievable sea of ordinary citizens from all 50 states converged on the nation's Capitol for a peaceable protest. Nearly every person I spoke with said it was the first time in their lives they had ever protested anything! The atmosphere was NOT as the media often reported: an "angry, racist mob." It was more like a giant 4th of July celebration or a pep rally. We came together--white, black, young, old, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian--for a common cause and that was to stand for the United States of America, her Constitution, and her proud tradition of freedom.
The most emotional moment, for me, was when a million voices sang "The Star Spangled Banner". There were certainly plenty of American flags present to salute while singing!
I feel renewed and galvanized to continue to fight for the freedoms that so many have died to protect. I don't want their sacrifice to have been in vain!
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