Thursday, October 1, 2009

My letter to media "big wigs"

Today I am mailing this letter to the presidents/publishers/editors-in-chief of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC & CNN news, NY Times, NY Post, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today & NY Daily News. Please feel free to use this format in writing your own letters. Nothing on this site is copyrighted!

With great ability comes great responsibility.

The authors of our Constitution specified "freedom of the press" in Amendment I of the Bill of Rights precisely because they, like us, knew that an unfettered press would be able to hold government officials accountable by exposing their underhanded dealings to the public.

For a long time, but especially since the 2008 Presidential election, you have forgotten that great responsibility and became a whore for the current Administration and their allies in Congress.

I can only conclude that you are either:

(1) Willfully ignorant (i.e. blind) to the systematic dismantling of our Constitutional freedoms

(2) Complicit in these efforts and therefore absolutely worthless as objective "journalists"

(3) Being paid to keep your mouths shut and rather become a pathetic cheerleader of totalitarianism

(4) Being threatened by the Chicago political machine goons that now occupy the White House

Which is it? Will you go down in history as the media who forgot their responsibility to a free society and allowed, even encouraged the stealing of the nation's prosperity and the trampling of Constitutional rights in order to support a criminal coup by a group of radical thugs?

Or will you wake up and see what's happening on your watch, recognize what we average Americans can so clearly see, those of us you contemptuously call "ignorant, fringe, right-wing extremists in flyover country clinging to their guns and religion"?

Have you no shame? Have you no conscience? Have you no love for this great country that has given you the opportunity for unparalleled freedom and prosperity in the history of the world?

You are aiding and abetting its destruction. How can you sleep at night?

A concerned fellow American,
Katy Jones

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