Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Freedom Fighter

Rebecca Cervera is fighting a tough race for State Representative District 41 in McAllen, Texas. Her Democrat opponents have been harassing her and her family with such niceties as slashing her tires and calling child protective services with false complaints.

She is an amazing, passionately conservative Republican who simply believes that our country is on the wrong track and she wants to do what she can to make things right. This is from her website:

"Rebecca Cervera is an entrepreneur, business owner, musician, community activist, and mother of four boys.

As one of 13 children raised in a transient and uneducated family, Rebecca had her first job at age 11. At age 12 she enrolled in high school and earned her diploma while living with classmates, teachers, and foster families. In college she worked full time, participated in campus outreaches, studied abroad, and was a delegate to the Intercollegiate Legislature. She received her B.S. in International Business.

While attending graduate school, Rebecca was recruited as a full time missionary to set up adult education programs for impoverished indigenous people in Northern Mexico. At the end of her term she began work as a cross cultural business liaison, specializing in loss prevention and employee retention. While living in Mexico she continued volunteer service with American expatriate and local youth programs.

Since returning to the U.S., Rebecca has become a managing partner in a customs brokerage and owns a produce distribution company. She founded Royal Readers, a literacy campaign that promotes the virtues of literacy through motivational concerts, radio segments, public education, literature, and the arts. She is also an Hidalgo County Juvenile Court Conference Committee member, mentoring non-violent first time offenders.

Rebecca believes that District 41 is ready to elect a delegate who represents the values and makeup of our district. She understands that building a strong and stable community is the foundation and future of our district."

I was going to add her photo, but my toolbar has mysteriously changed. If you'd like to see what she looks like, here is her website:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My letter to NPR

Just now (8:20 Sunday morning) I happened to walk into the room where my husband was listening to KTXI 90.1 and heard a male voice make a misstatement. He said that the reason 1 in 5 Americans believe President Obama is a Muslim is because of "attacks by his opponents." No, sir. The reason why I and many millions believe he is a Muslim is because of his words and actions before and since his Presidency:

Sometime during his campaign he told a reporter that the evening call to prayers was one of the most beautiful sounds on earth.

Also during his campaign he was speaking to a TV reporter and mentioned "my Muslim faith" and the reporter corrected him saying, "you mean, your Christian faith?"

His first overseas call as President was to the Islamic network Al-Jaheera (sp) and he gave that speech in Cairo praising all the "Muslim contributions" to the United States.

When speaking at a Catholic university, he had them cover up a Christian religious symbol.

He does not participate in the National Day of Prayer but hosts Muslim dinners at the White House and shows support for a Muslim day of prayer at the U.S. Capitol.

He supports building a mosque on the hallowed ground where over 3,000 were killed by Muslims!

His father was a Muslim, and he was educated at a Muslim school in Indonesia during his formative years.

He attended "Rev." Wright's "church" for 20 years where Black Liberation "Theology" is taught, which has no resemblance to the Bible but every resemblance to an angry version of Islam.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but not all Americans are stupid. We have been paying attention and doing our own research, the research that "journalists" should have been doing all along. I knew before he was elected that he was not what he portrayed himself to be. You are enabling him to destroy this nation by continuing to "cover" for him. That's why I no longer voluntarily listen to your station.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Rule of Law

We hear this phrase a lot these days, probably because our system of law provided in the Constitution is being trampled, daily, by the very ones who made an oath before God to uphold the law.

What is the origin of law?  The Lawgiver, of course.  In order to help our children develop self-control, we place controls upon them to keep them from self-destruction.  In the same way, the LORD gave us law, not to make us miserable (as hedonistic folks would have you think) but to protect us from our worst impulses and help us become the very best we can be.

In their humble wisdom America's Founding Fathers based the Constitution and our rule of law on the principles of God's Word.  We find the three branches of government in Isaiah 33:22:  "For the LORD is our judge (judicial—court system), the LORD is our lawgiver (legislative—House and Senate), the LORD is our king (executive—President); it is He who will save us."

Unfortunately, in recent years those in positions of authority have abused their power and made more than one set of laws:  one rule for them in order to justify taking from the public treasury to line their pockets and buy votes, and one rule for the rest of us in order to gradually restrict our individual freedoms.  This they have done by legislating laws against the will of the people, "interpreting" the Constitution in ways that it was never meant to be interpreted, or simply cheating through the slick lawyer tactics of "finding loopholes" in order to avoid following the law.

All of these things have had a terrible cumulative effect.  A nation that is no longer governed by the rule of law will descend into the darkness of anarchy, where the basest instincts of each individual are no longer restrained.  Violence and destruction is the result, and a police state then becomes the only way to restore order.  In that way all of our freedoms are stripped from us and we lose all dignity and humanity.

What can we do?  First, actually read the Constitution and its Amendments.  It is a short, concise document that everyone can understand.  Then, educate your family, friends, and neighbors.  Make sure you are registered to vote, and then exercise your right to vote in the upcoming election.  Unless ALL law-abiding citizens vote to replace the law-breaking men and women in civil government, this may be our last opportunity to have a voice in our future, our children's futures, and the future of our nation.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Freedom Fighter

We are in a battle for the soul of America.  There are two profoundly different sides in this war.  One side, made up of ordinary Americans—We the People—believe in the limited government specified in the Constitution and in the God-given right of individuals to direct their own destiny. 

The other side, made up of the current Federal government, all branches of which are run by extremely liberal Democrats, believe that a handful of Ivy-league educated idealists know better how to run every facet of our lives than we do.  These "leaders" have NO experience in the real world; all they know is theories which have been proven unworkable every time they've been tried in other countries and have led to horrible suffering and death for citizens who dared to criticize their governments. 

Freedom works, every time it's tried.  There is no perfect system of government because humans are inherently imperfect.  But our democratic Republic has been a beacon of light to oppressed people throughout the world for over 200 years.  We the People do not want a handful of overly educated and power hungry bureaucrats to steal it from us and our children.  Millions of men and women from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror have suffered and died that we might be free.  We owe it to them and to the generations coming after us to do all in our power to preserve these freedoms. 

YOU can make a difference on November 2nd of this year.  We the People have an opportunity to replace some of the politicians who are destroying our freedom.  Here in Kerrville, Texas we are represented in Washington D.C. by Lamar Smith, who has become more and more conservative since Obama took office. 

But in Senate District 23, which encompasses a huge piece of Texas from the northern part of San Antonio (UTSA area) all along the border to El Paso, the current Democrat Congressman is Ciro "Zero" Rodriguez, who has voted for every bailout, health "care" legislation, and every other bad bill presented in the House over the last 18 months.  He is on Nancy Pelosi's team to destroy our Constitutional Republic. 

His opponent is a conservative, freedom-loving, Constitution-following Republican named Francisco Canseco (everyone calls him "Quico" which is pronounced "Keeko").  He needs our help!!!!  If you are interested in keeping your God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, please contact friends and acquaintances who live in SD 23 and ask them to vote for Quico Canseco.  OR help him with a donation, no matter how small.  OR help his campaign as many across the nation did for Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

Here's Quico's website so you can read about him:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Call for Help in Preserving our Freedom

At yesterday's "Hands Off Texas" rally in Austin, Ted Cruz read the first letter that Col. Travis wrote from the Alamo asking for help when the 13 day siege began.  The words struck me as they never have before; we are surrounded, as Travis and his men were, and each of us must do our part to stir up the love of freedom in the hearts of our fellow Americans:

February 24, 1836

To the People of Texas & all Americans in the world

Fellow citizens & compatriots, I am besieged by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna.  I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man.  The enemy has demanded a Surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken.  I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the wall.  I shall never Surrender or retreat.

Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & every thing dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch.  The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days.  If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country -----

Victory or Death

William Barret Travis
Lt. Col. Comdt