We are in a battle for the soul of America. There are two profoundly different sides in this war. One side, made up of ordinary Americans—We the People—believe in the limited government specified in the Constitution and in the God-given right of individuals to direct their own destiny.
The other side, made up of the current Federal government, all branches of which are run by extremely liberal Democrats, believe that a handful of Ivy-league educated idealists know better how to run every facet of our lives than we do. These "leaders" have NO experience in the real world; all they know is theories which have been proven unworkable every time they've been tried in other countries and have led to horrible suffering and death for citizens who dared to criticize their governments.
Freedom works, every time it's tried. There is no perfect system of government because humans are inherently imperfect. But our democratic Republic has been a beacon of light to oppressed people throughout the world for over 200 years. We the People do not want a handful of overly educated and power hungry bureaucrats to steal it from us and our children. Millions of men and women from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror have suffered and died that we might be free. We owe it to them and to the generations coming after us to do all in our power to preserve these freedoms.
YOU can make a difference on November 2nd of this year. We the People have an opportunity to replace some of the politicians who are destroying our freedom. Here in Kerrville, Texas we are represented in Washington D.C. by Lamar Smith, who has become more and more conservative since Obama took office.
But in Senate District 23, which encompasses a huge piece of Texas from the northern part of San Antonio (UTSA area) all along the border to El Paso, the current Democrat Congressman is Ciro "Zero" Rodriguez, who has voted for every bailout, health "care" legislation, and every other bad bill presented in the House over the last 18 months. He is on Nancy Pelosi's team to destroy our Constitutional Republic.
His opponent is a conservative, freedom-loving, Constitution-following Republican named Francisco Canseco (everyone calls him "Quico" which is pronounced "Keeko"). He needs our help!!!! If you are interested in keeping your God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, please contact friends and acquaintances who live in SD 23 and ask them to vote for Quico Canseco. OR help him with a donation, no matter how small. OR help his campaign as many across the nation did for Scott Brown in Massachusetts.
Here's Quico's website so you can read about him: http://www.cansecoforcongress.com/
Scandals, the Bubblegum Pink Resistance, and Lawfare
10 hours ago
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