Sunday, September 19, 2010

We Pledge Our Fortunes

Until the 2008 election, I had never before contributed money to a political candidate. I reasoned that (1) they didn't need my money, or (2) whatever pittance I could send them would be laughable in the scheme of things.

I believe I was not alone in such thinking. The political realm, especially on the national level, had become corrupt in part, I now believe, because ordinary Americans like me believed they couldn't make a difference. So corporations and leftist organizations stepped in to fill the coffers of very human politicians, appealing to their dark side and causing them to lose sight of the true nature of public service.

Since 2008 I have sent as little as $25 and as much as $100 to individual candidates. Those are drops in the bucket, but if just 10,000 of us "little people" sent a candidate $25, that's $250,000, a quarter of a million dollars. That's a lot of advertising money, especially for a Congressional race.

It's time we all did our part to take back our nation and restore the Constitution. Alone we can't accomplish much, but if each of us does his or her small part simultaneously, imagine what things we can accomplish! Each vote, each dollar contributed, each phone call, letter to the editor, or acquaintance persuaded to join with us will be democracy in action, the way our Founders intended.

George Washington and other leaders during the Revolutionary War never expected that they would have to dig deep into their own pockets in order to finance the cause of freedom. They were willing to sacrifice their own comforts to ensure that their posterity (and that includes us) would enjoy the fruits of their labors. How can we do any less in the face of mind-boggling debt and erosion of personal freedoms happening on a daily basis which will turn our children and grandchildren into slaves of the government if we don't do something about it?

Choose one or more local, state, or national races that you feel passionate about. Study the candidates, and when you find one you can fully support, do more than lip service; open your wallet to help them defeat the progressives!

1 comment:

  1. My dear Kate,

    I am proud to know you as a friend, a Texan and a fellow patriot in the fight for Liberty.
    It is my sincere hope that more people discover your webpage and read your writings so that we may again consider, and learn.

    Poor Richard
