There’s a peculiar and often ignored fact about justice: Its foundation is an absolute standard of right and wrong.
Here’s the definition of justice: “The quality of conforming to principles of reason, to generally accepted standards of right and wrong, and to the stated terms of laws, rules, agreements, etc. in matters affecting person who could be wronged or unduly favored.”
One of the Founders’ reasons for the formation of the United States was to establish justice so that The People would be treated equally regarding the law. Of course there were wicked men over two hundred years ago, but because Biblical principles of right and wrong were so generally accepted, there was a more general consensus in matters of law and morality.
Thanks to generations of humanist philosophy infiltrating every facet of American society, “principles of reason,” “generally accepted standards of right and wrong,” and “the stated terms of laws, rules, agreements” (i.e., keeping one’s word) are shoved aside as archaic, old-fashioned, and no longer relevant to our “modern” world. Political correctness and so-called tolerance have replaced common sense and Biblical morality. The result is more and more people being wronged for doing what is right, and those who practice immorality are being unduly favored.
God is love, but He is also just. Is America now reaping what has been sown during our lifetimes?
“Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” --Louis Dembitz Brandeis
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
So true. It seems like there is no longer black or white...only grey...sad.