It is beyond the scope of this blog to go through the Founding Documents line by line, so I will not address each of the 27 grievances against the King of England in the Declaration of Independence. However, a couple are worth noting:
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass [sic] our people, and eat out their substance.” Bureaucracy in every form and at every time is inefficient, demoralizing, and just plain ridiculous. Unfortunately, bureaucracy is one important means for the tyrant to extend controls into every aspect of people’s lives.
“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” One argument against the recent tea parties is that Americans DO have representation, therefore any taxes levied are legitimate. “Representation” and “consent” are two entirely different things, especially when the elected “representative” ignores the wishes of the people.
Did we give consent to the unimaginable debt being laid upon our country that our children and their children can never repay? We already have had these taxes imposed upon us: federal income taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, state and local sales taxes, some states have state and local income taxes, city and county taxes, real estate taxes, vehicle taxes, half a dozen taxes on our telephone service, utility taxes, gasoline taxes, hunting and fishing license taxes, etc. ad nauseum.
By the way, who gave consent for so many in the current Administration and Congress to avoid paying their taxes?
“All men having power ought to be mistrusted.” --James Madison
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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