There’s a reason this is listed after “establish justice.” Without a foundation of law and morality, it’s impossible to “insure domestic tranquility.”
“Insure” means to secure, guarantee, make sure or certain. “Domestic” means pertaining to one’s country, i.e. not foreign. “Tranquility” is to be free from commotion or tumult, i.e. unagitated.
Lawlessness breeds discontent, anger, hatred, covetousness, and eventually commotion, agitation, anarchy. I John 3:4 puts it simply: “Sin is lawlessness.”
We can’t secure peace without law; we can’t have law without Divine standards of right and wrong.
There is no coincidence that as the ACLU has worked for years to strip the name of God and mention of His laws from the public conscience that all forms of lawlessness have increased. Those of us who desire quiet lives raising our children, working and paying our bills, and worshipping with the church, can no longer afford to turn a blind or incredulous eye at what is happening. We must “make certain” that domestic tranquility continues by holding lawmakers accountable.
"If it be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws." –Alexander Hamilton
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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